Striving to create a home strong in the foundations of love, respect, and God's truths ...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

E-mails From Nana

This has been a year full of new seasons for us.  When the school year began, I expected our homeschooling adventures to be our biggest change, but we've faced one after another.  

The most recent is my husband's work schedule.  Now in training in a new position, he's commuting three hours each day.  The kids are staying up later so that they can see him before they go to bed, which means we sleep later, eat breakfast later ... you get the idea.  None of this is bad, just different - but add this on top of both kids being sick for a month; weather that changes more often than our shoes - we've had a snowstorm, an ice storm, and beach weather all in the last two weeks; and trying to figure out some new projects for school, and I've been worn out.  

We've been staying pretty close to home because of our illnesses and the weather, and we've all been missing outside human contact.  With studying necessary at night for the daily tests that training requires, even my husband has been much more absent than usual - and we've all felt it.

So we've been even more excited than usual to check my email throughout the day - because my grandmother has been giving us all sorts of tips and help on our current unit of study.  My Big Helper even asks if Nana has emailed when she first wakes up, and she saves certain bits of news to hunt-and-peck in her next email so she can 'surprise' Nana.  My Nana, the coolest grandmother ever, just got a new computer and has been emailing my daughter back.  I love seeing the two of them connecting via technology over the 440 miles separating them!

All relationships have seasons.  Right now my friends and I are all taking care of sick children and getting back into the swing of things after the holidays, and so our focus is all at home.  My husband is spending a few weeks settling into his new position, and the kids are on antibiotics and improving rapidly.  The loneliness and restlessness that the kids and I have been feeling will soon be over, but in the meantime ...

We can't wait to see Nana's next email! 

For more GratiTuesday, visit Heavenly Homemakers.

**Don't forget to come back tomorrow and link up your inspiring family fun posts for our first ever Inspired Wednesday!!

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