Striving to create a home strong in the foundations of love, respect, and God's truths ...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A “sweet” giveaway from @SiriMitchell – Kindle Fire and Vintage Candy! Plus RSVP for 4/18 Facebook Party!

Celebrate Unrivaled with Siri Mitchell by entering to win a Kindle Fire and joining her on April 18th for a Facebook Author Chat Party!

One "swooning" winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • Vintage Candy Kit
  • Unrivaled by Siri Mitchell (one for you and one for a friend!)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on April 17th. Winner will be announced at the "Unrivaled" Author Chat Facebook Party on 4/18. Connect with Siri, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at a trivia contest, and chat with readers just like yourself. There will also be gift certificates, books, vintage candy kits, and more!

So grab your copy of Unrivaled and join Siri on the evening of the April 18th for a chance to connect with Siri and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book - don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 18th!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Inspired Wednesday - Unleash Your Inner Artist

I like to find crafty projects for my kids to do occasionally.  We usually do at least one artsy thing for each season, holiday, special occasion, and unit.  I tend to find the activity, prep the materials, and then help as necessary while they work with it, perhaps handing out new brushes, dispensing glue as needed, or reminding them of basic rules (we don't shake bottles of paint!).

One day last week we switched things up.  I joined in.

My Big Helper got a box of pastel chalks for her birthday.  We had a bit of time on Sunday afternoon between special events, and I asked if I could chalk along with her.  She seemed excited about this idea, so we got out extra paper.

While my Big Helper chalked away at portraits of family members, I worked on a single flower from the birthday bouquet that her grandfather bought for her.  The flower was a deep burgundy color - not red, not purple, but somewhere in between.  I sketched away, blending with my finger and struggling to get the shading right, knowing that I was failing miserably at it.  God is a much better artist than me!  

As I added layer after layer of color, however, working beside my daughter, life was peaceful.

It didn't matter that there were mountains of laundry waiting to be done.  It didn't matter that I had to finish icing a cake for church.  Didn't matter that the floors were furry or that I'd be stepping on Matchbox cars and dinosaurs when I got up.

It was fun to sit there beside her, working contentedly, sharing small pieces of brightly colored chalk.  It was fun to allow my creative side to rule for a while in a purely artistic endeavor.

I think we need to do more of this.

I always liked doing crafty things with my mom when I was little, and then, as I got older, baking, painting, and quilting on my own.  While chalking or penciling art projects wasn't something I did often, I did go to art camp one summer and took an art class one semester where everyone sat around on high stools, sketching and shading bowls of fruit - and while I'm no artist, it was enjoyable.

I had forgotten how much I did enjoy it.

So the next time my kids break out the paints, tissue paper, or chalk sets, I'm going to be right there with them, not so that I can 'teach' them how to use a certain medium, but for my own artistic enjoyment.

Are paints and chalks not your thing?  You can be creative in other ways.  Decorate a cake.  Try a new recipe.  Roast potatoes with different herbs.  Arrange some flowers.  Customize a t-shirt.  Sew some new pillows.

Spend some time working on a creative project for the sheer enjoyment of it.  See if it doesn't brighten your day.

Do you ever do art with your kids?  What kind?

Last week Rachael from Diamonds in the Rough linked up a post about the differences of parenting boys and girls.  I totally disagreed with this post - until I birthed my son!  I love the wisdom that she shares here.  To find out more, visit Diamonds in the Rough - and Rachael, please visit our Inspired Wednesday page and take the "I was featured on Washed Up Inspired Wednesdays' button back with you.  

A Nest in the Rocks
If you have a post about an encouraging activity, project, or trip that you've taken, please link up below and add a link back to this post.  Either way, please read on to find out more about a fun activity that we enjoy here in our nest, and be sure to hop over to Where He Leads, We Follow to check out Stephanie's  Inspiring Wednesday post, too. 
  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

GratiTuesday - Girls' Night Out

My Big Helper turned eight last week, and although she was sad that my family was not able to come for her birthday weekend, we were excited to learn that we'd have an aunt and great-grandmother come to visit this weekend.

With the weather much to cold for the picnic we'd planned, we decided to head to Southpoint, a big mall in southern Durham, for a Girls' Night Out.  My Big Helper has never been on one of these excursions, and she was super excited about taking her Meme to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner - a huge treat for her and a first for Meme.

Upon arriving at the mall, we took advantage of the sunny day and visited a few fun stores.  This one, It's Sugar, is exactly what it's name suggests - and everyone had fun checking out the enormous sugary treats.  I wonder how many cavities that lollipop would give you?

When we headed to the Cheesecake Factory, we discovered a line hours' long, even though it was quite early - so we had a light dinner elsewhere and returned to get cheesecake to go.  The selection is enormous there, and the cakes on display in the case are  gorgeous, as far as desserts go, and choosing was difficult.  My Big Helper was happy to choose the Oreo variety so that she could "share the Oreo on top" with her brother.

When we returned home, we dug into our cheesecake slices - sharing just a bit with the guys.  They were yummy!

This was quite the excursion on an already-busy weekend, but it was fun to have some girl time away.  While the weather was chilly for a picnic, it was perfect for an afternoon at this mall - the sunshine was warm, the water in the many fountains glittered, there were lots of people to watch, and the piped-in music was festive.  Best of all, we could be silly about our chocolate or cheesecake selections and be totally understood.

Sometimes, you just need some girl time - and cheesecake.

For more GratiTuesday, visit Heavenly Homemakers.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - My Typical Easter Sunday Plan

It's Holy Week, and that means special church services every night for us.  It makes life a bit more hectic than usual, but our pastor does an excellent job of teaching about Jesus' last week on earth, and we don't want to miss a thing.

Our Easter meal is usually pretty simple - but tasty.  With traditional elements made easy to prepare, we feast without having to spend hours in the kitchen.

Here's our typical plan:

  • baked ham
  • boiled-and-browned potatoes
  • Mom's Baked Corn
  • green bean casserole, child-assembled
  • Resurrection rolls
  • fresh fruit
  • Bunny cake for dessert

For more Menu Plan Monday, visit OrgJunkie.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Win a Kindle Fire from @ReginaJennings and RSVP for 4/4 Facebook Party!

Regina Jennings is celebrating the release of Love in the Balance with a Kindle Fire Giveaway and a Facebook Author Chat Party on 4/4!


One "lovely" winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire 
  • A copy of Regina's Sixty Acres and a Bride and Love in the Balance
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on April 3rd. Winner will be announced at the "Love in the Balance" Author Chat Party on April 4th. Connect with Regina, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at a trivia contest, and chat with readers just like you. There will also be many fun giveaways -- gift certificates, books, and more!

So grab your copy of Love in the Balance and join Regina on the evening of April 4th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 4th!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Inspired Wednesday - Wear Your Art

I firmly believe that children learn more when they're fully engaged in their education.  Plus, the more senses that are engaged, the more they learn.  Art can be a great way to add color and texture to their work.

We love to learn about the art styles of each location that we study, but sometimes we like to break loose and do something different.

Sometimes, we want to wear our art.

My Big Helper was ecstatic to paint a St. Patrick's Day shirt during our Ireland study.  She enjoys art and painting and loves dressing up, too, so this was right up her alley.

This project is way easier than it seems, and you don't need many special supplies.  

Here's what you do:  
  1. Stretch your t-shirt over a jelly roll pan and pull tight with masking tape.  Center the place you want to paint.  
  2. Sketch your design with chalk or a fabric pencil.  
  3. If not using fabric paint, mix one part acrylic paint with one part fabric medium.
  4. Paint your design.  Using a special scrubber brush for fabric does make the task easier, but even regular brushes will work.
  5. Allow to dry overnight.
  6. Wash and dry to set the paint.
You could incorporate this project in a variety of ways by painting:
  • a picture of a famous landmark
  • a top ten list
  • a famous artist
  • a symbol
  • a holiday design
  • a character study
How do you change up your art projects?

Last week Rachael from Diamonds in the Rough linked up a post about the blessings of being a homeschool mommy!  To find out more, visit Diamonds in the Rough - and Rachael, please visit our Inspired Wednesday page and take the "I was featured on Washed Up Inspired Wednesdays' button back with you.  

A Nest in the Rocks
If you have a post about an encouraging activity, project, or trip that you've taken, please link up below and add a link back to this post.  Either way, please read on to find out more about a fun activity that we enjoy here in our nest, and be sure to hop over to Where He Leads, We Follow to check out Stephanie's  Inspiring Wednesday post, too. 

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"Love in the Balance" by Regina Jennings

Molly Lovelace dreams of a life without cares in Lockhart, Texas. She also dreams of handsome wrangler Bailey Garner, her ardent but inconsistent beau. The problem is, with Bailey's poor prospects, she just can't fit the two dreams together.

Then mysterious stranger Edward Pierrepont sweeps into town-and her life-and for the first time Molly wonders if she's met the man who can give her everything. But he won't be in Lockhart long and while it certainly seems like he talks about their glorious future together, she can't quite get Bailey out of her mind.
What's a girl to do with all these decisions when love is in the balance? 

Love in the Balance contrasts begs the question: does forgiveness, does grace exist for those who make mistakes?  I've often thought that part of our society's problem stems with everyone's unwillingness to call others to the carpet when making immoral decisions; isn't that how we end up voraciously watching celebrities' personal drama play out on the evening news?  Yet Molly's circumstance isn't right, either - we shouldn't judge others based on our perceptions of their actions, without having the whole story, or be unwilling to offer grace.  Love in the Balance forces you to consider what you might do with an uncertain future, family pressure, and limited options for providing your own livelihood.

At times reminiscent of The Scarlet Letter, many parts of Love in the Balance seem harsh.  Molly's circumstances aren't fair.  Her parents are cruel.  Her co-worker is catty.  The dramatic love triangle in which she's snared may be pleasing others, but it's confusing her.  Honestly, it sounds rather depressing, except ... Jennings throws humor in at just the right time - a sweet glance, an amusing circumstance, a strange reaction from another - the perfect touch to lighten the mood and keep you guessing as to which suitor Molly chooses.

You will guess.  You will be wrong.  I never would've predicted this ending, and yet it was the perfect one for Molly.  It's one that our society needs, too:  our mistakes do not define us forever.  They are mistakes, and if we are wise, we can use them to deepen our faith, strengthen our witness, and move on.  We can be forgiven.  Grace exists.

I loved Molly's story because, sooner or later, for one reason or another, we all need it.

Regina Jennings is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University with a degree in English and a history minor. She has worked at The Mustang News and First Baptist Church of Mustang, along with time at the Oklahoma National Stockyards and various livestock shows. She now lives outside Oklahoma City with her husband and four children. 
Find out more about Regina at

For more reviews of this book, go to the blog hop landing page here, or, strike out for your own balance and purchase the book.

I received a free copy of Love in the Balance from LitFuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.

GratiTuesday - My Big, BIG Helper

Eight years and one day ago my husband and I happily welcomed our Big Helper onto Earth.  She came unexpectedly early, arriving on the heels of a snowstorm, a missing puppy, and a postponed first grade St. Patrick's Day party.

Thinking back to what life was like way back then, it feels like forever ago.  I don't feel like that young teacher anymore, excitedly planning out the next step in my career and wondering how best to decorate our new-to-us house.  Those things feel as if they happened in another lifetime.

As for my Big Helper, I'm not sure that I can remember what life was like without her.  Oh, of course I remember facts and details, but they don't seem quite real somehow.  Everything changed the minute she arrived.

Yet it doesn't feel as if it's been eight years.  I can't possibly have been trying my hand at this parenting thing for eight years, for while eight is still (thankfully!) a child, it's coming dangerously close to ten, the preteen years - and then thirteen, the teenage ones, and then soon it will be driving and college searches.  We're still celebrating firsts - but those first steps are preparing her to take those first steps away from home.  

Receiving birthday wishes from my sister

Today she experienced a first - receiving her first rock CD, at her request (Audio Adrenaline, of course) - and bounced around like a princess at a ball.  Every event of the day had her dancing with excitement, and while I was happy to see her so full of joy, it's hard to see her be so big.  

In one of my favorite childhood books, Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke, the main character says something like, I wish that time had a tail, so's I could grab ahold and slow it down some.  

Sometimes that's how I feel.  I want to slow it down just a bit, or push a 'pause' button like Zach Morris did on Saved by the Bell, so that I can savor this moment before it's gone.

Soon it will be, and they'll never be this exact age or able to do this exact thing for the very first time ever again.  

So while perhaps I don't sound very glad, I am: that time's not going by any faster.  That she still has enough little girl in her to enjoy tea parties with friends and family dinners out.  That a cupcake can still make her squeal with excitement, and being told that she has a phone call brings her running.  I'm glad that she still wants to dress like a princess and eat chocolate cake and do art projects with her mommy.  I'm glad that she wants to help other people and twirls in full skirts.

She may be my Big Helper, but she's still my little girl.

For more GratiTuesday, visit Heavenly Homemakers.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - March 18, 2013

We're celebrating today - our Big Helper turns eight!  We have a few special activities planned today and then will celebrate with extended family this weekend.  Fortunately, we have fewer school activities this week and can prepare for all of the festivities!


Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Bars, oranges

Steal-Good Pumpkin Bread, bananas
- Scrambled eggs, fruit
- Pancakes, fruit

- Birthday dinner out
- Baked macaroni and cheese, salad
- Grilled Irish cheese sandwiches, salad, applesauce
Parmesan Potato Veggie Soup, bread
- "Bangers and mash" - sausages, mashed potatoes, lima beans
- Cheeseburgers, potato chips, salad, applesauce

Lasagna, salad, bread

What are you celebrating this week?

For more Menu Plan Monday, visit OrgJunkie.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Helping St. Jude's

Who knew that you could help sick kids by doing math?  

My kids chose to participate in the St. Jude's Mathathon, a fundraiser for the St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.  It's a pretty simple thing - the kids receive math books from St. Jude's, they do all the math and ask others for sponsorship.  The money goes to help fund new research for cancer and other catastrophic diseases.

My Big Helper is super excited about being able to help other kids.  One child with cancer is focused in her book, and she's been quite sad to learn about her journey.  She wants to help, and she's working on her math book in all of her spare time.  

I've never known a kid who had cancer - knock on wood - but friends have, and unfortunately, he recently lost his battle.  It would be great if no one else did.

If you'd like to help St. Jude's in their research or participate in the mathathon yourself, please click on the widget below.

Thank you.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Write Your Own Irish Blessings

Okay, I realize that if you write them yourself, they won't really be Irish (unless you are) but this is a fun introduction to poetry and a way to think about others while studying a neat aspect of Irish culture.

We began by reading some traditional Irish blessings.  We found a bunch over here.  Of course, we had to read my favorite:  

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Then we set to work.  We always send 'Happy Saint Patrick's Day' cards to our relatives, so we broke out the white and green paper, the rubber stamps and ink pads, and some stickers.  I let the kids create their cards however they wanted, as long as they wrote a message inside.  My Big Helper's had to contain some kind of blessing.  

At first she wanted to copy blessings from the website, but we continued to talk about the format.  The neat thing about many Irish blessings, practically speaking, is that they follow a simple pattern.  "May you" followed by a good thing.  Soon she wanted to write her own.

My Big Helper got creative with this.  She really had fun with this assignment, and I think each card will bring a smile when it's opened.  

Have you ever 'studied' Irish blessings?  What would you include in one?

This post was shared at I Can Teach My Child.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Return to Nim's Island" Quiz & Giveaway

Nim's Island is a neat movie that we've enjoyed watching as a family.  About a little girl who lives on an island in the South Pacific with her dad, she reaches out to the author of famous adventure books when her dad doesn't return from a boat trip.  A classic 'man-vs.-nature' set-up, the movie is suspenseful but not scary and full of adventure in its own right: from wild animals, insect-laden lunches, and a Swiss Family Robinson like tree house.  

These elements make it fun for us all to watch - so I'm excited to announce that a sequel has been made!  It will premiere tomorrow on the Hallmark Channel and picks up a few years after the first ended, with Nim now fourteen years old and desperate to save her beloved island from developers.

As the movie has not yet been released, I haven't seen it - but I'm hopeful that it is as full of family-friendly adventure as the first.  (I've heard that the animals are back!)

Return to Nim's Island is the first offering of Walden Family Media, created by Wal-mart and P&G.  The movie will be available to purchase on Monday.

But you could win a copy here!  One winner will receive a Blu-ray combo pack of Return to Nim's Island directly from Wal-mart Media and the Hallmark Channel.  Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below by Tuesday, March 19th, for your chance to win.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Inspired Wednesday - Make a Scavenger Hunt

This week we traveled to the Cedar Creek Art Gallery to learn about art.  From the website, this sounded like a fascinating place - but it included a very wide variety of work!  With pottery, jewelry, metalwork, glassblowing, knitting, and much more, I wasn't sure how to help the kids focus in on any part of what they were seeing.  It sounded as if any of us could easily become overwhelmed.

Anybody ever see a dog ride a motorcycle before??

Thus was born our scavenger hunt.  I gave the kids a list of items to find.  They each took along their digital cameras and a list of the items, determined to find each item.  Their list included things like 'piece made for holding items,' 'piece that hangs on the wall,' 'piece with more than four colors,' and 'most expensive piece.'  It was fun to see the kids tip-toeing carefully through the gallery, leaning around corners and bending to see tags.  They were very intent on their work!

We happened to visit on a gorgeous day, and some work was displayed outside, too, so we visited in the gardens and checked out each bench.  Such is how friendships grow!

We stopped long enough to take a group picture of most of our kids while we explored this beautiful fireplace and the pottery on it.  After heading outside for some tag in the yard, most of us headed back inside to contemplate purchases - and I was happy to see how much my kids remembered about the work that they saw.

What do you do to help your kids slow down and focus?

Last week Tosha from Burd Seeds linked up a post about the messiness but hard usage of notebooks.  I love seeing how other kids use their notebooks!  To find out more, visit Burd Seeds - and Tosha, please visit our Inspired Wednesday page and take the "I was featured on Washed Up Inspired Wednesdays' button back with you.  

Rachael., you've won a copy of Robin Lee Hatcher's 'Betrayal!'  Watch out for an email with instructions about how to claim your prize.  :-)  

A Nest in the Rocks
If you have a post about an encouraging activity, project, or trip that you've taken, please link up below and add a link back to this post.  Either way, please read on to find out more about a fun activity that we enjoy here in our nest, and be sure to hop over to Where He Leads, We Follow to check out Stephanie's  Inspiring Wednesday post, too. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Win a $250 “Swept Away” Vacation Prize Pack and RSVP for 3/28 Facebook Party!

Mary Connealy is celebrating the release of Swept Away by giving away a $250 "Swept Away" Vacation Package and hosting a Facebook Author Chat Party! 


One fortunate winner will receive:
  • A $250 Visa Cash Card (Get away for the weekend or use it to buy an eReader for a relaxing ‘Staycation’!)
  • A copy of Swept Away (For you AND a friend!)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 27th. Winner will be announced at the "Swept Away" Author Chat Party on March 28th. Connect with Mary, get a sneak peek of the next book in the series, try your hand at the trivia contest, and chat with readers just like you. There will also be many fun giveaways -- gift certificates, books, and more!

So grab your copy of Swept Away and join Mary on the evening of the March 28th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 28th!

"Swept Away" by Mary Connealy

When a cowboy focused on revenge encounters a woman determined to distract him, there's going to be trouble in Texas!

Swept away when her wagon train attempts a difficult river crossing, Ruthy MacNeil isn't terribly upset at being separated from the family who raised her. All they've ever done is work her to the bone. Alive but disoriented, she's rescued by Luke unfortunately, there are more chances to die in her immediate future.
Luke is on a mission to reclaim the ranch stolen from his family. But the men currently on the property won't let it go without a fight. Luke plans to meet up with friends who will help him take back the land, and since he can't just leave Ruthy in the middle of nowhere, she's going to have to go with him.

But the more time Luke spends around the hardworking young woman, the more he finds himself thinking of things besides revenge. Will Ruthy convince him to give up his destructive path and be swept away by love? 

I really like Mary Connealy's work, and Swept Away reinforced this feeling.  Full of danger, intrigue, and excitement, this book is a fabulous escape into another way of life.  It's hard to describe - because although every character in the book was in mortal danger at least once, this book is fun.  Although the reader is captivated by Luke and Ruthy and isn't sure exactly how it will come about, she is sure that everything will be okay in the end.  You sit on the edge of your seat for the characters, but not you're not scared for yourself.  This difference is a vital one, and while I'm not sure how Connealy does it, this adds a fun and romantic element to the story.

With that said, Connealy's cast of characters is outstanding in this book.  Each man is strong, independent, passionate about his career and those he loves.  When these men work together, they are unstoppable - and heroic.  I can't wait to see where Connealy takes this series.

Read more reviews of this book here, or begin your own cowboy war here.

Mary Connealy writes fun and lively "romantic comedy with cowboys" for the inspirational market. She is the author of the successful Kincaid Brides, Lassoed in Texas, Montana Marriages, and Sophie's Daughters series, and she has been a finalist for a Rita and Christy Award and a two time winner of the Carol Award. She lives on a ranch in eastern Nebraska with her husband, Ivan, and has four grown daughters.

I received a free copy of Swept Away from LitFuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.

GratiTuesday - Kidnapped!

Our family has had an interesting year this past year.  Many of our usual activities had to be put on hold, and with all of the changes, our usual dates and routines changed, too.

One thing that I've missed a lot was time with my husband - intentional time.  New schedules have made this very hard to find - and so this past weekend, my husband kidnapped me.

Not really, of course, but he made arrangements for our kids, planned something for us, and wouldn't tell me what it was.  We've each done this for the other a few times in our marriage, and it's always fun.

He woke me up amazingly early so that we could hop a train to Charlotte!  Neither of us have ever been on a train before, and it was fun to experience something new together.  We were surprised at how many people were riding, and everyone connected with the train was very kind.  It was a neat experience.

From there we headed downtown and hit up a visitor's center to see what was available within walking distance.  Neither of us have spent much time in downtown Charlotte, so we played tourist - something we used to do regularly but haven't done in years.  I really enjoyed the Wells Fargo Museum.  The displays were very interactive, and I didn't realize just how many pots this company has had its hands in over the years.

A major highlight of the day for me was taking a carriage ride through the historic district.  I've always wanted to take a carriage ride, and this one was beautiful - in a Cinderella-like white carriage with dark velvet seats through an old section of the city full of restored Victorian houses.  Who knew it could be so quite and lush so close to the downtown district?

This was Winston.  Winston is the Percheron who led us safely through the city.  He was very kind.  :-)

When we realized that the public library was so close - and so big! - my husband insisted that we go and peek in the windows, at least, since I like books so much.  I didn't want to go in for fear I'd never want to come out.  The pillars outside each had quotes from famous authors.  I especially liked this one from Elie Wiesel.  His books are very stark and provocative, and it reminded me of the scripture even the stones will cry out.

Sometimes I feel guilty when we do things like this.  For us, this was a very extravagant date, even though we spent most of the day walking around, talking to locals, sitting by beautiful fountains, and seeing the sights.  At the same time, though, it felt great to know that my husband wanted to put the time and effort and resources into our marriage.  We're very happy together  - but I think that putting intentional effort and building memories is worth a bit of extra expense occasionally.  We'll go back now to at-home movie dates and talking by the fire, but we're already laughing about Winston, crowded buses, and deciding which pizza we'd try if we ever go back to the Public Market.  

I think I like being kidnapped - at least by my very creative husband.

For more GratiTuesday, visit Heavenly Homemakers.