Sometimes you happen across a new resource that you know will change the way you teach. Discovering the Human Body Detectives has done that for our home.
This set of books for kids, written by Dr. Heather Manley, is a lot like a sci-fi-meets-non-fiction-storybook. In each book a set of sisters, Merrin and Pearl, go on a Human Body Adventure in which they magically shrink and travel around inside a friend while learning about a specific system of the body.
These books are very well written. They are chock full of scientific information, but it's presented in a fun and exciting way as the girls travel throughout the body, learning how it works. The colorful pictures add detail and pizzazz, while side conversations reflect Dr. Manley's natural take on medicine and include the importance of healthy eating and exercise.
Why, though, do I think that these are so great? What makes them stand out from, say, that other set of books that was turned into a cartoon with a traveling vehicle?
A few things. First, the girls are supportive throughout the stories. There's no name-calling, no flippancy, and no sarcasm. The characters work together and are kind.
Secondly, the books are a great length - long enough to carry some weight and depth but short enough to be friendly. These won't scare those who are still afraid of the length of a chapter book but have the meat necessary for science lovers.
The pictures add a lot. Not only do they illustrate the story, but they illustrate the concepts - both by adding vision to the text but by illustrating the scientific principles. This makes it easier to understand for visual people like me. :-)
There are also fun facts, extra pictures, jokes, and additional information at the end of the story. For those people who really want more, it's possible to add real curriculum to these stories by purchasing lesson plans from the author to accompany each book. This could be a big part of your health curriculum for body systems. What better - and more fun - way to learn them? I'll definitely be doing this!
Dr. Manley has just released the fourth book in the series, called Osteoblasts to the Rescue (about the skeletal system). The others are The Lucky Escape (digestive system), Battle with the Bugs (Immune system), and A Heart Pumping Adventure (the circulatory system).
I'm looking forward to reading these great books with my kids. While we try to eat healthy foods and exercise, I know they'll be more aware of how these things fit into their overall health after reading the Human Body Detective books.
Keep reading for a great giveaway sponsored by Dr. Manley!
Last week ShastaP at The Phillips Journey reminded me of the great blessing we have as moms of serving our family. Sometimes I forget just how great I have it when I'm surrounded by dirty towels and sticky floors - but I am surrounded by my wonderful family who helps create those messes. I've needed this reminder lately! To find out more, visit The Phillips Journey - and ShastaP, please visit our Inspired Wednesday page and take the "I was featured on
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