Striving to create a home strong in the foundations of love, respect, and God's truths ...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Menu Plan Monday - August 6, 2012

I'm going to format our menu plan a bit differently this week.  The kids and I are going on a little trip to visit family, but my husband has to work.  Basically this means that I have no clue what the kids and I will eat and that I'm prepping snacks and meal pieces for my husband to make assembling his food easier.

Here's the non-plan:

I've made these things for breakfasts, either for us to take or to leave with my husband:
- Cinnamon Almond Granola- Banana bread
- cereal and fruit
- Chewy Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Bars  (recipe coming on Thursday)
- banana bread

I've prepped these things for my husband's dinners:
- turkey burgers
- meatloaf
- scalloped potatoes

- Grilled Cheesy Potatoes
- lima beans
- green beans
- cut watermelon
- washed grapes
- carrot sticks

I'm also baking a batch of these Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip cookies in the toaster oven and trying out a new kind of granola bar.  The whole family's getting into the granola bar kick, and they're so easy to make!

I'm curious:  when you leave, do you prepare things ahead for your family/husband?  If so, what do you make?

For more Menu Plan Monday, visit OrgJunkie.


  1. I usually give my husband some crockpot meals to just dump in and turn on. He also loves Hot Pockets and Pizza Rolls (yuck) so when he's here by himself I'll try to have them in the freezer, too. Have fun! -Kelly @ Semi Homemade Mom

    1. My husband always heads for Bojangles and Wendy's, but he'll settle down and be ready for healthier food again after that. I've never assembled a Crock Pot meal for him - that's a great idea!

  2. I used to, but then I realized everyone was happier if I didn't haha - him, because he could buy meals/snacks that are even easier for him, and me because I wouldn't be mad when he didn't eat what I prepped. Everyone wins, haha. Although sometimes I'll leave leftovers that are good just cold - like homemade pizza and baked goods. Crockpot meals sound like a great idea!

  3. Whenever I'm out of town, my Mister eats through a lot of our "Oh No!" meals, and any ramen noodles that have been stashed. But I do try to leave some decent leftovers and sandwich makings so he's not just eating sodium bombs.
