Striving to create a home strong in the foundations of love, respect, and God's truths ...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Multitudes on Monday - October 31, 2011

This week has been a bit calmer than last (though it turns out that the blender melted last week right after the microwave died - not my month for appliances, it seems).  There have been so many good things, though, and here are just a few:

- time spent with My Little Man, assembling his very first Lego kit - Mater

- My Little Man's very best dentist behavior ever - and a good check-up, too.

- watching my son become more excited about working with letters, so much so that he uses all sorts of materials to write.

- a finished project (voting is still open!)

- being able to make a birthday cake for my mom - and to celebrate with her

- a wonderful hike in Little River Regional Park with my parents and kids. We also had pictures taken by Noelle Hayward Photography taken while there.  I can't wait to see them!

- seeing my kids do their nightly devotions with my parents.  I love hearing them talk about Jesus!

- My Little Man's first horse ride.  He loved it!

- My Big Girl got a haircut.  Bye-bye, split ends!

- Last but in no way least, a story:
My Little Man had a revelation while cleaning up his room. My husband found him spread out on his bed, laying there quietly. When he asked My Little Man why he wasn't cleaning up, our son replied, "I'm praying." A few minutes later he came running out to tell me that he had to thank God for all of his toys - and did I know that you could pray to God every minute, every hour, every day, all year?  Then he came running out to My Big Helper to tell her that she really is a princess - Jesus' princess, he said - and that he is Jesus' prince. I'm not sure how he got all that from cleaning up his room, but I'll take it!
What blessings have YOU received this week?


  1. Wow, what a story there at the end. How amazing that God speaks to us all- children just have ears to hear more than adults I think. Thanks for sharing such precious gifts of grace with me. I am just stopping by from Ann's. What joy!

  2. What a wonderful week of blessings, especially the last one. Thanks for sharing. Popping over from Ann's.
